


時間:2015-03-26   來源:紅纓教育   作者:客戶中心   點擊:













Two little black birds

Two little black birds sitting on the wall. One named peter ,one named pole.

Fly away peter,fly away pole. Come back peter,come back pole.

Two little black birds sitting on the wall.

Five little monkeys

Five little monkeys jumping on the bed, One fell off and bumped his head.

Mama called the doctor,and the doctor said ,"No more monkeys jumping on the bed!"

Four little monkeys jumping on the bed, One fell off and bumped his head.

Mama called the doctor,and the doctor said ,"No more monkeys jumping on the bed!"

Three little monkeys jumping on the bed, One fell off and bumped his head.

Mama called the doctor,and the doctor said, "No more monkeys jumping on the bed!"

Two little monkeys jumping on the bed, One fell off and bumped his head.

Mama called the doctor,and the doctor said, "No more monkeys jumping on the bed!"

One little monkey jumping on the bed, He fell off and bumped his head.

Mama called the doctor,and the doctor said ,"No more monkeys jumping on the bed!"

One little finger

One little finger, one little finger, one little finger tep、tep、tep

Put your finger up, put your finger down。Put it on your nose(五官)

Ten little fingers


One little two little three little fingers,four little five little six little fingers, seven little eight little nine little fingers,ten little fingers on my hands.

 (供稿:李媛鳳 校對:張潔瓊 郭彤洋)

